Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blog not WORKING

Tenestelleen (Peace be upon your day)... Updating the blogsite is proving to be quite tricky here!! The blog won't show up on most of the computers, and the one that it does show up on, I'm not allowed to use the drive to get photos off of my camera. Speaking of camera broke on the airplane ride to Ethiopia. The screen where I view pictures cracked, so I never know what my pictures look like until I look at them on the computer!! This is going to be interesting :). (Mom and Auntie Care, you were asking about Christmas towards a new camera like Kristen's would be helpful). Right now I'm on a ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!! Kevin and Beline and I have joined two of Beline's friends, Bray and Yebay, and a driver of an 11 seat mini-bus, and have hit the highway north of Addis on the historical route...right now we're in Bahir Dar which is site of the Blue Nile falls....spectacular and huge waterfalls! Over the next 10 days we'll be visiting the castles in Gonder, the churches built of bedrock in Axum and Lalibela (the churches in Lalibela are the EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD!!) I don't know if I've seen any wonders of the world. :) Only mishaps of the trip thus far was a flat tire on the road this morning. Oh yeah, and an EARTHQUAKE in Berkeley, CA the night before I flew out. That was scary! I'm off to the Nile Falls... Ciao,Hana T. "The miracle is not to fly through the air or to walk on water, but to walk on the earth." -Thich Nhat Hahn

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